Becoming a Land Steward
Homeowners play a major part in shaping our water future. Our commitment to a home and its land is a special opportunity to tend and care for the relationships we value most. Included in this is our resource relationship! When we choose to conserve, harvest, and recycle the water that flows into our land and home, we choose to raise awareness and highlight our commitment to caring for water resources.
Engaging, beautiful, and functional water systems like rain gardens, graywater orchards, and living architecture become ways to live with water and connect into a resilient watershed network of individual powered water systems that combine to balance the climate changing extremes of flooding and drought. You have the power to make an active difference with how you choose to manage water on your land and in your home, and we help make those dreams happen.
We help homeowners:
Develop water conservation lifestyles
Harvest rainwater
Recycle graywater
Integrate living roofs and walls
Hydrate landscapes and increase fire protection
Reduce stormwater runoff and flooding
Increase pollinator habitat
Improve air quality
Reduce heat island impact
Reduce energy requirements
Balance climate change impacts
Are you a homeowner ready for your land to maximize a positive climate and resource impact while inspiring a deeper connection to your community and environment?