Apryl Uncapher
Apryl is a thought leader and field expert in developing efficiently engineered & artful healthy water communities. With over 25 years of experience, she leads Native Water Systems designs and installations into the intersectionality of diverse industries and agencies, and has a range of experience and insight in creating water infrastructure that honors all life with integrity and consideration. Being a visionary, Apryl forged her own path with an Inventive Design Engineering degree from Purdue University, focused on designing sustainable strategies and tools for environmental restoration. She then self-crafted a menagerie of master mentors like John Todd and his Living Machines, Paul Stamets and his work with mycological remediation, Penny Livingston and her permaculture work at the Regenerative Design Institute, Bill Wilson and his work with cutting edge water strategies at BW Environmental Planning, and the greatest of all mentors, Gaia herself, modeling resilient practices for community enhancing water resource systems. Apryl is passionate about developing a new water culture; a lifestyle that dynamically and mindfully tends our waters with care and gratitude.
Designers & Installers
Native Water Systems is a fluid team of designers and installers. We believe it takes the right team to build a dream and so we craft every project with a team specific for your needs. We work with global science and technology leaders to create and facilitate strong purpose-driven impact planning and community outreach. We address unique sites and community-scale solutions with a network of experienced hydrologists and specialized engineers to bring to life inspiring resource-efficient infrastructure. We are ready to build a new water culture. Are you?